Which Is Best For My Needs: Edibles, Flowers, or Concentrates?
Do you want to learn more about the benefits of cannabis but don’t know where to begin? Surely, you’ve heard a variety of stories about the experiences or impacts of various cannabis intake methods. For example, there are numerous results that can result from modifying your cannabis consumption technique, such as the traditional couch-melting edible story, the giggle-inducing smoking session, or the munchie-inducing concentrate high. Allow us to walk you through the advantages of each consumption technique, as well as what you can expect from a one-time or frequent changeover.
Cannabis Flower Consumption
Smoking and vaping are the two most common ways to consume cannabis. While the results are similar, the absorption components are not. The active components in cannabis are transmitted via the lungs when you actively inhale it through a joint, a blunt, a bong, a bowl, a vaporizer, or any other smoking device. Many cannabis users choose to smoke since the interval between inhalation and the psychoactive component reaching your brain is nearly instantaneous, giving you a nearly-instant high.
Bongs, Pipes, and Bowls
Pipes or bowls, water pipes or bongs, joints, and blunts are among the most popular ways to smoke cannabis. Each of these options comes in multiple different forms, but they all serve the same goal. Pipes are small, compact, portable, and simple to use. At one end of the pipe, there is a bowl that you fill with cannabis flower. A mouthpiece will be on the other end of the pipe. Smoke will go down the chamber of the pipe and into your mouth for consumption when you draw in via the mouthpiece while lighting the cannabis flower. Water pipes are practically the same as normal pipes, with the exception that there is water in the chamber, which creates a smoother inhaling experience.
Blunts & Joints
Joints and blunts differ from bowls and bongs in that they take a little more effort to prepare before use. Joints are rolled by hand or using a roller in the same way that cigarettes are rolled. After rolling the joint, light one end and smoke from the other. Joints are usually gentle on the lungs, with few if any additional chemicals in the wrap. If you want to add fruity or indulgent flavors to your smoking experience, there are a variety of flavored joint wraps to pick from. Blunts are similar to joints, with the exception that they are larger, contain more cannabis, and are rolled into a cigar paper rather than a rolling paper. To make a blunt, hollow out a cigar and replace the tobacco with cannabis flower—or buy pre-hollowed cigars to roll blunts into. Blunt wraps, like joints, come in a variety of flavors to choose from.

Taking Cannabis Concentrates Is A Great Way To Relax And Unwind
There are a variety of cannabis concentrate choices available. The amount of cannabinoid chemicals in each inhalation is the most significant difference between cannabis concentrates and cannabis flower. Concentrates are broken down to have a higher concentration of endocannabinoids than cannabis flower, requiring less substance to get the same or stronger high. Concentrates may be the ideal alternative for you if you don’t like the act of smoking but enjoy the high you get from breathing cannabis. Concentrates are smoked using a device that heats the drug to just below the point of combustion. When a concentrate reaches this temperature, the active chemicals turn into vapor, which can then be inhaled to obtain the desired elevation.
Dabbing Rigs & Vape Pens
When using oil or distillate concentrates, vapor or dab pens work best. Portable vape pens, which are typically in the shape of a pen, are made comprised of a cartridge carrying the desired material and a battery that provides the necessary heat. Dabbing is a term for smoking concentrates using a glass, ceramic, or titanium rig, which is commonly shaped like a bong or water pipe but with a nail or banger (used for concentrates) in place of the traditional bowl (used for flower). You will manually heat the nail or banger with a propane or butane torch until it is red hot, then allow it to cool to the desired temperature before placing the concentrate straight onto the hot surface, which will turn it into vapor for you to inhale.
Vaporizers & Electronic Rigs
While concentrates can be added to the tops of bowls and bongs, or even rolled into a joint or blunt, vaporizers, dab pens, and dab rigs are the most popular ways to consume concentrates. Electric dab rigs, such as e-nails and Puffco products, heat up to temperature automatically for a convenient and straightforward concentrate enjoying process. Vaporizers are frequently used in the same way as electric dabbing rigs, heating up to temperature automatically. Tabletop and portable vaporizers are available.
Taking Marijuana Edibles
Are you looking for the benefits of cannabis consumption without the trouble or side effects of time-consuming preparation or breathing smoke? You have the choice of eating edibles! Cannabinoids are taken into the bloodstream through the digestive tract rather than the lungs when you consume a cannabis-infused baked item, candy, or beverage. When it comes to cannabis edibles, the biggest difference that users notice is the time it takes for the benefits to kick in. While smoking has a near-instantaneous effect, edibles take anything from 20 minutes to three hours to kick in. Edibles are by far the most convenient way to consume cannabis; all you have to do is eat or drink—and then wait!

Which Cannabis Alternative Will You Pick?
Whether you want an instant high, a relaxing luxury smoking session, or the convenience of cannabis edibles, there is something for everyone on the market. Concentrates are the way to go if you want a quick high without inhaling a lot of smoke. You could want to try a nice blunt or a fat joint if you want to take your time and unwind in a calm cannabis cocoon. Give a tasty edible a try if you want to reap the advantages of the cannabis plant without having to smoke! Remember, it’s very normal if you don’t feel the edible right away. Allow up to three hours before attempting to take more. Above all, remember to have fun!